We are delighted to announce the availability of the newly-revised ‘Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes’ booklet.
This document has been produced for the managers and trustees of youth organisations, politicians, local authority elected members and officers, practitioners, trainers and people training to be youth workers and youth support workers.
It has also been written for young people, those already involved in youth organisations as well as those wishing to find out more about the kinds of experience youth organisations can provide.
‘Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes’ has been produced on a collaborative basis by representatives of the voluntary and local authority youth work sectors in Wales and with the Education Workforce Council.
You can find it here YOUTH WORK IN WALES PRINCIPLES AND PURPOSES or on www.wlga.org.uk
Claire Cunliffe
Chair of CWVYS
Steve Davis
Chair of Wales Principal Youth Officers’ Group

Hayden Llewellyn
CEO of Education Workforce Council
November 2018