Do you know an outstanding teacher that deserves recognition? Is there someone at your local school that needs celebrating? Are your teaching staff leading the way in technology or using Welsh language?
Well, the Professional Teaching Awards Cymru are back for 2019! Education Secretary, Kirsty Williams is looking for the very best education professionals that Wales has to offer and those that have made a real difference to their school or education setting.
There are ten categories this year including Teacher of the Year, Headteacher of the Year, Inspirational use of the Welsh Language and, new for 2019, Youth Work in Schools so there is plenty of opportunity for your school to get the recognition that they deserve.
If you’re a teacher, student, parent, employer or colleague and know someone that would be worthy of a Professional Teaching Award you have until midnight on 30 November 2018 to make a nomination here: www.gov.wales/teachingawardscymru