
Established in 2015, The CAE aimed to fill the gap in provision for migrants in the UK. Our vision centred around dismantling the pervasive global inequalities by empowering historically marginalised communities with entrepreneurial skills and improved self-confidence. Fundamentally, we believe that equipping communities with necessary knowledge and skills to help them kickstart and progress in their professional journeys offers a long-term route out of poverty.


Our Vision

We aspire to make Wales a vibrant hub of opportunities, growth, and inclusivity, where diversity is celebrated, ambition is fostered and innovation supported.

We aim to build a future where people are not just dreaming but also living their Welsh Dream.


Our Mission

Our mission is to tackle problems of inequality faced by migrants, breaking down barriers for them, and supporting them to become economically active, thrive and contribute fully to society.


Streams of Support


Empowerment Through Employability & Entrepreneurship:

Our expertise lies in tailored employability and entrepreneurship support. We guide individuals on their journeys, whether it’s launching their own business, transitioning into employment, or pursuing further education. Our approach includes personalised job coaching, hands-on workshops, and offering pivotal work experience opportunities, especially for those most distant from the workforce.


Combating Poverty:

Recognising the vulnerabilities of communities, particularly asylum seekers, our foodbank service diligently delivers nutritionally-balanced food parcels, ensuring no one goes without the sustenance they need.


Holistic Support:

Beyond just employment, we address the overall mental wellbeing of our beneficiaries. Understanding the intertwined challenges of housing, benefits, and mental wellness, our dedicated team offers comprehensive support – from housing assistance and benefits navigation to community-building activities and tailored mental wellness initiatives.


Championing Climate Justice & Sustainability:

Climate change disproportionately impacts the communities we serve. Despite contributing the least to this global crisis, they bear its brunt. We’ve woven climate awareness into our mission, educating and equipping communities to be proactive advocates and participants in the fight against climate change.


Advocacy & Influencing:

While we value the profound impact of our 1-1 interventions, our ambition stretches beyond individual success stories. We are driven to effect systemic change, advocating for reforms that pave the way for enduring positive outcomes. Our vision is not just for the current beneficiaries but for a transformative change that benefits future generations.


Police Careers Workshop

25/03/2020 - 10:30 am


UWTSD Art and Design Campus, Alexandra Rd Swansea SA1 5DU

Please sign up on Eventbrite - follow this link The CAE in collaboration with South Wales Police Swansea are bringing you "Police Careers Workshop". This is an amazing opportunity for…