“Valleys Kids celebrates the achievement of individuals, who, through trying different activities and having different experiences, broaden their horizons and achieve their potential”.
Valleys Kids is a community development organisation registered as a charity and a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in 1999. Valleys Kids is run by and for local people with over 30% of our skilled staff grown from within the organisation and has a track record of more than 40 years of working within the heart of the communities we seek to support, responding imaginatively to needs identified by the community and promoting the healthy development and social inclusion of children, young people and their families living in some of the most disadvantaged communities in Wales.
Over 3,500 members regularly use our services making more than 60,000 visits each year. These are not one off attendances, but ongoing participation in groups and programmes. Over 100 adults and young people volunteer each year and help plan and run activities from our Community Family Hubs.
Valleys Kids consult with the community on a regular basis and develop services in answer to the need identified by, and with, the community.
Our core activities include: early years, parents and play, after school play, holiday playscheme, junior and senior youth clubs, youth theatre, family support programmes, volunteering, Feel Good Groups and older adult social networking.
Our website will provide contact details for our different Projects in the RCT area together with details of our Residential Development in the Gower, Swansea. There is opportunity for hiring space in our Projects in RCT and booking a residential space in the Gower.