Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services

CWVYS is the independent representative body for the voluntary youth work sector in Wales


  • A Wales where all young people are empowered by innovative, vibrant and sustainable voluntary youth work services.


  • To represent, support and give a collective voice to its membership of voluntary youth work organisations across Wales. CWVYS leads on collaboration and partnerships on behalf of the voluntary youth work sector in Wales.

Five key functions of CWVYS

  • National representation and strategic leadership for the voluntary youth work sector

(including facilitation, policy development, advocacy, shaping and influencing, strategic communications, raising the profile of voluntary youth work services within Wales and internationally; supporting the sector to include young people in all planning and delivery of best practice youth work)

  • Collaboration and partnership working

(including facilitation of partnerships, promoting diversity and inclusion within   Wales and internationally)

  • Knowledge exchange champions

(including funding information and support, policy information, resources, opportunities and events)

  • Celebrate, measure and recognise the social, economic and cultural impact of the voluntary youth work sector in Wales

(including promotion of best youth work practice, quality assurance, workforce development/training/accreditation, data collection, research and evaluation)

  • Membership benefits, opportunities and developments

(support for, and a commitment to growing a diverse, vibrant, values-based Membership of organisations across Wales, including Regional representation)