Dear Members, following our recent regional meetings with 40 CWVYS members present, below is a summary of the information shared. It is only snapshot of what was discussed, compared to the wealth of good practice shared amongst the members present
The theme for next series will concentrate’ transitioning out of lockdown to the new normal’. To join email catrin@cwvys.org.uk
Central South and South East Wales – 14/5/20 – 10am to 11am
North Wales – 15/5/20 10am to 11am
South West and Mid Wales -15/5/20 1pm to 2pm
LINKS from the meeting:
Youth Work Wales Bulletin – subscribe via this link
The Bulletin will include the items noted below. CWVYS encourages you to submit your articles.
Please send all content suggestions to: youthwork@gov.wales
Bulletin structure:
Keith’s Voice
Youth Working Online – the latest resources/news/webinars, highlighting articles in the Notion website, shining a light on best practice
Within Wales – My Youth Work/What Youth Work Means to Me
A regular feature where we ask a set of questions to a youth worker/project working in a particular area (LGBTQ+, Open Access, Homelessness, Head of Vol Sector org, LA PYO, Welsh Language, Rural, School Based, Outreach, etc)
- Tell us about your work and the challenges you face
- what’s great about what you do and what difference does it make in your area
- where to find out more
- how are you applying your skills
Around the World
A focus on approaches beyond Wales
Young Person’s voice –Either an interview approach or give them free reign to write about a topic meaningful to them – YW related
FAQ’s –
Have you heard – a place where organisations/Youth Workers can submit short form articles (50 words) with a link to more detail online where they can announce news, publicise projects etc
NSPCC links Safeguarding Contact Carl Harris contact details: carl.harris@nspcc.org.uk
Learning https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/safeguarding-child-protection/coronavirus
Guidance on remote teaching (can be adapted for a YW situation) : https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/news/2020/march/undertaking-remote-teaching-safely
Helpline details here: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/nspcc-helpline/
All Wales Safeguarding Procedures App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wales-safeguarding-procedures/id1480837394
Find your local safeguarding board here: http://safeguardingboard.wales/find-your-board/
MEIC helpline: https://www.meiccymru.org/
ProMo Cymru webinars – contact info@promo.cymru to receive details of social media and youth work webinars. If anyone wants to look at the previous webinars you can find them here: https://www.notion.so/05e84f72ecb94758b0a33c73bac7a611?v=b8981de7c4e846f29ed4492d177cb28e
Youth Sector Resources Website c/o ProMo Cymru – central directory of links, webinars and useful information: https://www.notion.so/Digital-Resources-for-the-third-and-youth-sector-in-Wales-Covid-19-bdf7a6dcdb66478a9a3477c4cda7eaf1
Beginning to use Tik Tok, YouthLink Scotland have put a free webinar online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=cIQg8nI9o90&feature=emb_logo
YMCA Swansea have shared their safety tips with the network: https://www.facebook.com/105764736181213/posts/2970475186376806/?d=n
Welsh National Assembly
The Children, Young People and Education Committee is exploring how the outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting all aspects of life for children and young people (including students in further and higher education): http://senedd.assembly.wales/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?id=392&RPID=1017600763&cp=yes
EURODESK If you or the people you’re working with are 14-18 years old, how do you feel about becoming an action researcher, to make a difference!? You’ll be looking into young people’s experiences of life during the Covid19 pandemic – get involved to help protect young people’s rights and safety. The deadline is the 13th May. You can apply on Eurodesk UK’s Website: https://www.eurodesk.org.uk/young-peoples-experiences-life-during-covid-19-pandemic
Supprt for Welsh school pupils who do not have their own internet-connected devices https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52478688
Cranfield Trust
What the Cranfield Trust can offer here: https://www.cranfieldtrust.org/pages/172-on-cal
HR specific: https://www.cranfieldtrust.org/pages/11-hrnet
Webinars: https://www.cranfieldtrust.org/pages/166-webinars
Menu of support available here: https://www.cranfieldtrust.org/pages/110-how-we-can-help
Cranfield Trust Pro Bono business support www.cranfieldtrust.org
NSPCC Courses: https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/training/our-elearning-courses
CWVYS Training Consortium https://www.cwvys.org.uk/events/
CWVYS Workforce Development group meeting – May 19th – please contact Paul@cwvys.org.uk
Brook’s Training for professionals: https://www.brook.org.uk/training/
Open University site, free courses available online: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue
Adult Learning Wales site: www.adultlearning.wales
Welsh Government https://gov.wales/online-training-for-furloughed-workforce-during-coronavirus-pandemic
Fearless – https://www.fearless.org/en/professionals/training
New Active Inclusion Fund for COVID 19 – https://wcva.cymru/new-active-inclusion-fund-for-covid-19/