Some of you keen-readers may recall that CWVYS are partners of EurodeskUK, which is based at Ecorys in Birmingham. Ecorys forms one half of the UK National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme (the British Council being the other half!), Ecorys is carrying out a study on behalf of the European Commission.

The study aims to gather evidence on youth participation in democratic life within the EU, to inform the ‘Engage’ strand of the European Youth Strategy (2019-27).

The first stage is a survey of youth NGOs and networks in Europe. The survey is now live and will remain open for a month (until August 16th). Our colleagues overseeing the study are hoping to reach as many youth NGOs as possible across the EU, whether they operate at EU, national or local levels.

We would be very grateful if you could support this important work by raising awareness of the survey with youth NGOs in your local area as well as your partner organisations across the EU. You can do this by sharing the following link via your mailing lists (email and/or social media):

Youth Participation Survey